How to set a New Year’s intention that will actually make a difference in your business

Happy New Year and welcome back to business!

As the calendar turns, many of us are thinking about what we’d like to accomplish in the coming year. If you’re like most entrepreneurs you’re easily overwhelmed by how much there is to do. Too many ideas can be the enemy of progress. We’d like to encourage you to focus.

Here’s the quick Spark Guide to making meaningful change:
1. Jot down all of the issues that need solving in your business.
2. Jot down all of the opportunities you haven’t had the time to pursue.
3. Decide on ONE thing (either an issue OR an opportunity) that will move your business in the right direction. It must be something that you believe will truly move the dial.
4. Make that one thing your intention for the year. Write it down and put it where you will see if every day. Think: “Strong Team,” “More Clients,” or "Better Processes." Short and snappy ftw.
5. Now list each of the functional areas of your business: Operations, Sales + Marketing, Finance + Legal, Admin + IT, HR
6. For each area of the business, consider the concrete, specific actions you need to take to support your theme. Write down the action, the person responsible and the date by which you need it done. Put these in your calendar.
7. Get it done!

Your intention is otherwise known as ‘what we’re doing right now.' When you want to pursue other projects, come back to your intention - to what you are doing right now. This is how you will stay focused.

Our intention for the year is communication with our community. As part of this we’re rebooting our monthly newsletter. We hope you will read it, let us know what you think, and share it with others.

How to show your employees some love


Give yourself a break